Once Upon a Time in Wonderland
A concept art based on the TV show Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.
On a planet out of the solar system, a matrilineal society after a grand environmental disaster in the future. 
It is a bazaar gas planet, where beings live on islands floating above and in the air. After that disaster, the air is badly polluted, so beings have to build bubbles with air filtering systems, for single families. Massive cities are abandoned, floating there in the air.
The population has decreased, the reproductive function of beings has been seriously destroyed, it becomes super difficult for humans to have babies. Since the germ cell of male is what has been influenced, female beings gain the right to choose and their social status raised.
A creature, which is very reproductive and easy to raise, becomes the totem of a civil religion. People build temples for Tu and hang pictures of gods to pray for prosperity. 
Since the population of this world has decreased, there are not enough people to support the transportation system. People left big cities to live in family bubbles with mature artificial food growing technology. Also because it is not meaningful at all to continue living in those empty cities. The result of the fast development era still exists, but the development has slowed down because of the reduction of population. The achievements of that era still exist, they remain in daily life, but no new achievements have been made.

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